Well I was sitting thinking the other day us ladies and gents love to splurge and always get the urge lol :0) I mean who doesn't? There is a fab bag, outfit, accessories or just them all and it's pay day so you cant resist and then this quote below couldn't be more true!! Yes I am one for definite hehe My husband says ill literally be the woman who lived in her shoe haha the quote below also shows how I feel lol LMAO
Well for outfit number 2 is rocking!! Topshop Unique gorgeous suit lovin it it!! Add some Irregular Choice Alice In Wonderland shoes for that bita funk!! Suits are so versatile dressed up or down day or night <3 They are chic chic and chic again!! Well I love Alice In Wonderland and the collab between Alice and Irregular choice is rocking my world right now! I want to go to a mad hatters tea party!! Who is with me? hehe Hope you enjoy these fab outfits love and peace Jane xoxoxox